Recommended Reading | Empfohlene Literatur

Page created: Nov. 2018
Page revised: Jan. 14, 2025

Finding back to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.
Zurückkehren zu den Jüdischen Wurzeln des Christlichen Glaubens.

The awakening has begun! Books recommended to correct contemporary Christianity’s false teachings. They also assist in learning Torah (God’s teachings) as it is really meant to be understood, thus correcting the errors of counterfeit Messianism’s embrace of the “God in the flesh” idolatry.
Das Aufwachen hat begonnen! Empfohlene Literatur zur Korrektur christlicher Irrlehren, die die Kirche predigt (z.B. Trinität, Jungfrauengeburt Jesu, usw.).

Recommended Websites

English Reading (Für Deutsche Literatur nach unten scrollen)

Deutsche Literatur (German Reading)


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God’s Rediscovered Kingdom Treasure Volume 1
by Alan Barham
ISBN 978-1-916606-48-7 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-1-916606-49-4 (E-book)
Exposure Vol.1 (<== Link to Amazon)
Text copied from Amazon:
In the following New Testament passage Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) presents a puzzling storyline.
Matthew 13:44 (NASB95)
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
The story then abruptly ends. Why didn’t he finish it? The field was purchased, but what happened to the treasure? Does the man return to recover his reburied treasure? If so, when? Was Yeshua suggesting a mystery that can only be solved in these last days? In the author’s opinion, yes!
Christianity, as practiced since the 4th century, is not what you think it is. The upper echelons of Christianity do not want you to discover what this book series will reveal. Therefore, be wary of negative ratings aimed at discouraging you from reading it.
Today’s “Christianity” is not the authentic faith system of the New Testament. That faith was first persecuted, then kidnapped by 4th century Rome, grossly distorted, and entirely replaced with an adaptation of Roman paganism. It is a shrewd invention of Rome under Emperor Constantine created to consolidate his power—a synergy of various pagan faiths within the ancient Roman Empire. The Emperor adopted the term “Christianity,” which has been utilized ever since. It dramatically differs from the authentic New Testament faith due to the purging of the original true Christians—along with their pro-Torah beliefs—and the discarding of a four thousand year knowledge base of Biblical understanding that had accrued prior to Rome’s wicked and devastating apostasy.
The result was […..]

Christians have been deceived for 1.700 years …:
Exposure Vol.1

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The Way of God
דרך ה

The Way of God: Derech Hashem (Torah Classics Library) (English and Hebrew Edition)
by Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto (aka RaMChaL)
ISBN 0-87306-769-X
The Way of God (<== Link to Amazon)
The Way of God – by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. A “must read” for those wishing to understand the inner essence of Torah. Explores Divine regulation of the world with Rabbi Yosef Begun’s marginal notes. Has vowelized, facing Hebrew and English texts. “The Way of God” is not a modern book, but one that has become something of a classic in systematic expositions of Judaic/Hebraic thought. Written by Rabbi Luzzatto, a Master of Torah’s inner essence, “The Way of God” has become available in English thanks to Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. This book, when studied, is for someone who wishes to understand the context of Judaic/Hebraic thought and what its fundamental beliefs are.
Read more about this book here: The Way of God – Derech Hashem (<=== Link to Feldheim).

(Extract:) Quote “Suffering and pain may be imposed on a tzaddik (righteous person) as an atonement for his entire generation. This tzaddik must then accept this suffering with love for the benefit of his generation, just as he accepts the suffering imposed upon him for his own sake. In doing so, he benefits his generation by atoning for it, and at the same time is himself elevated to a very great degree. … Such suffering also includes cases where a tzaddik suffers because his entire generation deserves great punishments, bordering on annihilation, but is spared via the tzaddik’s suffering. In atoning for his generation through his suffering, this tzaddik saves these people in this world and also greatly benefits them in the World-to-Come. … In addition, there is a special higher type of suffering that comes to a tzaddik who is even greater and more highly perfected than the ones discussed above. This suffering comes to provide the help necessary to bring about the chain of events leading to the ultimate perfection of mankind as a whole. … Beyond that, the merit and power of these tzaddikim is also increased because of such suffering, and this gives them even greater ability to rectify the damage of others. They can therefore not only rectify their own generation, but can also correct all the spiritual damage done from the beginning, from the time of the very first sinners.”. Unquote. Derech Hashem, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, translation by Aryeh Kaplan Feldheim Publishers, Jerusalem, 1977, pp 123-125.

[Note TM:] Here we go! The perfect tzaddik can atone all the way back to Adam!
Who is it? Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah!

Deutsche Übersetzung / German Translation (

(Auszug:) Zitat “Einem Zaddik (Gerechter) können Leiden und Schmerzen auferlegt werden, um für seine ganze Generation zu büssen. Dieser Zaddik muss dann dieses Leiden mit Liebe zum Wohle seiner Generation annehmen, so wie er das ihm auferlegte Leiden um seiner selbst willen annimmt. Auf diese Weise kommt er seiner Generation zugute, indem er für sie sühnt, und gleichzeitig wird er selbst in einem sehr hohen Maße erhöht. … Zu diesem Leiden gehören auch Fälle, in denen ein Zaddik leidet, weil seine gesamte Generation grosse Strafen verdient, die an die Vernichtung grenzen, aber durch das Leiden des Zaddiks verschont werden. Indem er durch sein Leiden für seine Generation büsst, rettet dieser Zaddik diese Menschen in dieser Welt und bringt ihnen auch in der kommenden Welt großen Nutzen. … Darüber hinaus gibt es eine besondere, höhere Art von Leiden, die ein Zaddik erdulden muss, der noch größer und vollkommener ist als die oben genannten. Dieses Leiden dient dazu, die notwendige Hilfe zu leisten, um die Kette von Ereignissen herbeizuführen, die zur endgültigen Vervollkommnung der Menschheit als Ganzes führen. … Darüber hinaus wird das Verdienst und die Macht dieser Zaddikim durch dieses Leiden noch gesteigert, und das gibt ihnen eine noch größere Fähigkeit, den Schaden anderer zu beheben. Sie können also nicht nur ihre eigene Generation korrigieren, sondern auch alle geistigen Schäden, die von Anfang an, seit der Zeit der allerersten Sünder, entstanden sind.” Ende Zitat.

[Anm. TM:] Da haben wir’s! Der perfekte Zaddik kann Sühne (für alle Menschen) erlangen bis ganz zurück zu Adam!
Wer ist das? Ja, Jeschua HaMaschiach, Jesus der Messias! (So wie es uns das Neue Testament auch lehrt!)

Read also: Atonement Through Messiah is NOT an Invention of Christianity ©
BTW: Find “The Way of G-d” online! Go to and scroll down to “The Way of G-d”.
… A Tzaddik Emes (my personal view: This is Yeshua!):
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Knowing God’s Plan
דעת תבונות

Knowing G-d’s Plan (Daas Tevunos) – The Precise System Through Which G-d Directs Every Aspect of Existence (Torah Classics Library) (English and Hebrew Edition)
by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (aka RaMChaL) (Author), Rabbi Mordechai Rose (Editor)
ISBN-10: 1680252216 | ISBN-13: 978-1680252217
Knowing God's Plan (<== Link to Amazon)

Resencion, copied from a friend: Quote. Here is another one of those “MUST HAVE” books from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (RAMCHAL). It is “Da’as Tevunos”, sometimes called “The Knowing Heart”. This translation is entitled “Knowing God’s Plan”, and with the notable exception of not mentioning Yeshua, it definitely explains in easily understood layman’s terms many aspects of the Plan of God that are otherwise confusing or grossly misunderstood. Of course, as with most Judaic material of such a nature, Yeshua’s work is easily seen within […..]. I cannot overstate the tremendous value of this book and personally rate it on the level of “The Way of God” (Derech Hashem) – another one of the books from the Divinely inspired teacher, RAMCHAL.
It is written as a conversation between a Rabbi and his student who is seeking answers to difficult and crucial questions. Originally, it was written as a conversation between the sechel (intellect) and the neshama (soul), but the Rabbi/student concept better represents the conversation. As always, no book written by man is perfect, but this one is pretty close. Unquote.

Read more about this book here: Knowing God’s Plan (<=== Link to Feldheim).
… How to acquire wisdom:
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The Ways of the Tzaddikim
אורחות צדיקים

The Ways of the Tzaddikim – Orchot Tzaddikim
by Rabbi Gavriel Zaloshinsky
ISBN 978-0873067331
The Ways of the Tzaddikim (<== Link to Amazon)
Ways of the Tzaddikim – by Gavriel Zaloshinsky (Editor) and Shraga Silverstein (Translator) – A treasured classic on character refinement. This is a newly researched, corrected, and annotated and vowelized Hebrew edition with a contemporary English translation. It discusses refining character traits and maintaining a balance in all matters. The depth, purity and profound insight of the teachings leaves one in awe of the just how much there is to learn regarding Divine service. Anyone who would view this book negatively must be wicked since only a wicked person would ever miss the holy nature of the material. There is so much that can be said about this book but few words that can be found to properly explain its worth. As with others listed here, only by reading it can anyone possibly grasp its value.
Read more about this book here: Ways of the Tzaddikim – Orchos Tzaddikim (<=== Link to Feldheim).

… All God does is for the good:
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The Path of the Just
מסילת ישרים

Path of the Just – Mesillat Yesharim
(Torah Classics Library)
by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (RaMChaL)
ISBN-13: 978-0873062398
Path of The Just (<== Link to Amazon)
Of all creatures, only the human being was created incomplete in the sense that one must pay conscientious attention over the course of a lifetime to develop and refine one s character and personality.
In the Jewish tradition, this development takes on a sacred dimension, and one of the classic guides to outline a clear, progressive path toward spiritual perfection is The Path of the Just.
Of the many works of Ramchal, Mesillas Yesharim stands out as his magnum opus and has enjoyed great renown since it was first published in 1740 in Amsterdam. This treasured classic, newly translated in 2005, includes the complete Hebrew text with facing English translation and shoulder captions for clarity; and revitalizes the study of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s classic ethical work
Read more about this book here: The Path of The Just (<=== Link to Feldheim).

… The two pillars of Divine service:
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The Gates Of Repentance
שערי תשובה

The Gates of Repentance- Shaarei Teshuvah (Torah Classics Library) (English and Hebrew Edition)
by Rabbeinu Yonah of Gerona (Author),‎ Rabbi Yosef Liebler (Author),‎ Rabbi David Kahn (Editor)
ISBN 9781598261325
The Gates of Repentance (<== Link to Amazon)
Perhaps, THE single best book available to assist a person in maximizing their repentance and preparation for Messiah. Many rabbis recommend it; however, it is every bit as useful to Christians and simply outstanding regardless of whether a person is in Christianity or Judaism. — Author of Torah Of
Read more about this book here: The Gates of Repentance – Shaarei Teshuvah (<=== Link to Feldheim).

… About atonement and forgiveness:
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The Stone Edition Tanach

The Torah / Prophets / Writings. The 24 books of the bible newly translated and annotated, by Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Author)
Tanach (<== Link to Amazon)
(Copied from Artscroll:) All 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings are now at your fingertips in one magnificent 2,200 page volume, as interpreted by the classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. This is a remarkable achievement. It enables everyone to obtain a basic knowledge of the entire Tanach from “In the beginning” to the return to Eretz Yisrael. For home, for office, for synagogue, for gifts this is an indispensable Book for the People of the Book. Edited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman in collaboration with an international team of scholars.
Read more about this book here: Artscroll (<=== Link to Artscroll).

… The end time:
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The Stone Edition Chumash

The Torah, Haftaros, and Five Megillos with a commentary from Rabbinic writings, by Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Author)
Chumash (<== Link to Amazon)
(Copied from Artscroll:) A Classic in its own time – The entire Chumash, newly reset, in one beautiful volume with a new, contemporary English translation of the Torah, faithful to Rashi and the classic Rabbinic commentators, and an anthologized commentary by a team of scholars, under the editorship of Rabbi Nosson Scherman. This commentary draws on the spectrum of biblical commentaries, from the Talmud, Midrash, and the classic Rabbinic commentators, and includes insights of contemporary greats. Also includes: Hebrew/Aramaic texts of Rashi and Onkelos, newly set according to the most accurate texts.
Read more about this book here: Artscroll (<=== Link to Artscroll).

… Non-Jews can be Tzaddikim (righteous ones), too:
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Onkelos on the Torah (Understanding the Bible Text)
(Gefen Publishing House)
Onkelos (<== Link to Gefen)
Read more about this book here: Gefen Publishing House.
(Copied from Gefen:) The legendary Onkelos translated the Hebrew Bible into Aramaic similar to that spoken by the population of Israel around 2000 years ago.
Onkelos On the Torah: Understanding the Bible Text is a unique and remarkable translation and English commentary of the Targum Onkelos, the first and only rabbinically authorized translation of the Torah.
… Onkelos about Prayer in “bilblical times”:
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Minhat Yehuda
מנחת יהודה

Minhat Yehuda
by Rabbi Yehuda Fetaya (Author),‎ yehuda herskowitz (Editor)
ISBN 13: 9781885220677
Minhat Yehuda (<== Link to Amazon)
By the famous mekkubal from Iraq, Rabbi Yehudah Petaya (1859-1942). The book is his commentary on the Tanach, Zohar, secrets of dreams, Olam Haba and Gehinom. Rabbi Yehuda also writes of his experiences with earth bound souls (ruchot & dibbukim), and the exorcisms that he performed.
Read more about this book here: Minhat Yehuda (<=== Link to Seforim Center).
… When exactly was Yeshua buried? Understand the reason why:
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Rabbi Nachman’s Soul
Rabbi Nachman’s Soul – A commentary on Sichos HaRan from the classes of Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld
By Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (Author), Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld (Author)
Vol.1 and Vol.2
Rabbi Nachman's Soul, Rabbi Nachman's Soul (<== Links to Amazon)

Extract of description: Quote … Let’s hope that through this study of Rabbeinu zal’s writings, we will achieve this true degree of faith. Rabbi Rosenfeld went on to deliver a masterful series of shiurim on Sichos HaRan (Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom), bringing the meaning of the Rebbe’s words directly to the hearts of modernday listeners. … Unquote.
Read more about this books here: Rabbi Nachman’s Soul: An in-depth commentary on Sichot HaRan (<=== Link to

… The importance of being attached to a true Tzaddik (a righteous one):
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Likutey Moharan II Lessons
by Rebbe Nachman
.jpg (<== Link to Breslov Campus)
.Another great source of Rebbe Nachman’s treasures.
The .pdf document can be downloaded from here (click “PDF LINK: Likutey Moharan II”).
Attaching to a Tzaddik before praying:
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If? The End of a Messianic Lie
by Uriel Ben-Mordechai
ISBN 9659174306
.JPG (<=== Link to Amazon)
What IF there was only ONE God? Over the centuries, the question of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) identity has intrigued and challenged many. “IF?” enables the reader to dig beneath classic poorly translated Biblical texts. The Hebrew language and its grammatical structure can dispel Christian and Messianic myths associated with the historic figure of Yeshua. “IF?” is a must read for every heart crying “Mashiach NOW!” The world is waiting for Mashiach. Is the Christian religion delaying the program? In Jerusalem, the Torah insists: “The doctrine of the trinity, stops here.” Find out why, and learn what Israel’s Messianic candidate really looks like, through the eyes of the Jewish nation that introduced him to the world. Author, Uriel ben-Mordechai tells his compelling story about how the Messianic movement in Israel could not succeed to pull the wool over Jewish eyes, in connection with the historic figure of Yeshua. He enables the truth-seeker to identify incompatible foreign concepts, which neither Moshe nor the Jewish Prophets ever knew anything about. This provides an authoritative answer to foreign voices claiming Scriptural understanding quite apart from nation who gave it them the Bible. “IF?” is the story of one Jew’s journey after he dared to challenge non-negotiable Christian, Messianic doctrines, and questioned their heavily guarded traditional dogma, with the Hebrew Language at his side. What does the Hebrew Bible say? How have translations contributed to misinformed and sloppy theological conclusions? “IF” is a ground-breaking unique work, ten years in the making, and a must-read for those who have struggled with unexplainable Christian “mystery” concepts they may have been exposed to. It is the first work of its kind, in nearly 2,000 years, to be published from Jerusalem for the world, by a Jewish author living in the eternal capital.
Read more and order the book here: (<=== Link to NTCF Above and Beyond).
BTW: The book contains wonderful and revolutionary translations of e.g. Ex.3:14, Ex.20:3, Isa.9:6, Jer.23:6, Ps.110:1, Jn.1:1, Jn.10:30, Ph.2:6 and other verses. Some of these translations put Yeshua in a completely new and refreshing light!
Dieses Buch (leider nicht in Deutsch erhältlich) beschreibt in packender Weise, was “Messianische Juden” in Israel wirklich sind. Es sind meist Christen in einem “jüdisch messianischen” Mäntelchen verpackt. Das Übel begann, als anlässlich des “Kenes Ikea” (“Counsel of Ikea”), Kenes Artzi am 7.Juni 2002 zu einer “National Leaders Conference” zum Thema “The Deity of Yeshua our Messiah” (“Die Göttlichkeit von Jeschua unserem Messias”) in Netanya (Israel) einlud. Der Tagungsort war einige Meter von IKEA entfernt, weshalb der Name IKEA in Anlehnung an den ähnlich klingenden Namen Nizäa [das Erste Konzil von Nizäa (Counsel of Nicea), als 1’677 Jahre früher Jesus von Kaiser Konstantin für politische Zwecke zu Gott erhoben wurde] weshalb die Tagung vom 7.6.2002 den (etwas bösartigen) Übernamen “Konzil von IKEA” erhielt. Alle am “Ikea Konzil” anwesenden Organisationen mussten eine Deklaration unterschreiben, die das Dogma der (Christlichen) Trinität akzeptiert. Wer die Deklaration nicht unterzeichnete, wurde aus der “jüdisch-messianischen” Kongregation ausgeschlossen. Seither werden wahre Messianische Juden, die Jeschua’s Glaubensbekenntis (5.Mose 6,4 und Mk.12,29-32) befürworten, als Ketzer bezeichnet, genau so wie es am Konzil in Nizäa im Jahr 325 n.Chr. der Fall war.
… John 1:1 translated correctly, i.e. from a Jewish perspective:
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The Doctrine of the Trinity
The Doctrine of the Trinity – Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound
by Anthony Buzzard and Charles Hunting
ISBN 978-1573093095
German edition see below “Die Lehre der Dreieinigkeit Gottes”
The Doctrine of the Trinity (<== Link to Amazon)
(This book is a MUST-read for everyone who ones to know more about the pagan Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Unfortunately it is not pro-Torah, yet it is a great book!)
This important work is a detailed biblical investigation of the relationship of Jesus to the one God of Israel. The authors challenge the notion that biblical monotheism is legitimately represented by a Trinitarian view of God and demonstrate that within the bounds of the canon of Scripture Jesus is confessed as Messiah, Son of God, but not God Himself. Later Christological developments beginning in the second century misrepresented the biblical doctrine of God and Christ by altering the terms of the biblical presentation of the Father and Son. This fateful development laid the foundation of a revised, unscriptural creed that needs to be challenged. This book is likely to be a definitive presentation of a Christology rooted, as it originally was, in the Hebrew Bible. The authors present a sharply-argued appeal for an understanding of God and Jesus in the context of the original Christian documents. For additional information visit the author’s website at www.
Read more about this book here: The Doctrine of the Trinity (<=== Link to Focus on The Kingdom).

… A Trinity concept is never mentioned in the Bible:
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When Jesus Became God
by Richard E. Rubenstein
ISBN 978-0-15-601315-4
When Jesus Became God (<== Link to Amazon)
A thoroughly researched and vivid re-creation of one of the most critical periods in the history of Western religion.
The life of Jesus, and the subsequent persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire, have come to define what many of us know about early Christianity. The fervent debate, civil strife, and bloody riots within the Christian community as it was forming, however, is a story that is rarely told. Richard E. Rubenstein takes readers to the streets of the Roman Empire during the fourth century, where a divisive argument over the divinity of Jesus Christ was underway. Ruled by a Christian emperor, followers of Jesus no longer feared for the survival of their monotheistic faith, but they found themselves in different camps—led by two charismatic men—on the topic of Christian theology. Arius, an Alexandrian priest and poet, preached that Jesus, though holy, is less than God, while Athanasius, a brilliant and violent bishop, saw any diminution of Jesus’ godhead as the work of the devil. Between them stood Alexander, the powerful Bishop of Alexandria, in search of a solution that would keep the empire united and the Christian faith alive.
Read more about this book here: When Jesus Became God (<=== Link to GoodReads).

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The Sage from Galilee
by David Flusser
ISBN 978-0-8028-2587-2
The Sage from Galilee (<== Link to Amazon)
This new edition of David Flusser’s classic study of the historical Jesus […] will be welcomed everywhere by students and scholars of early Christianity and Judaism. Reflecting Flusser’s mastery of ancient literary sources and modern archaeological discoveries, The Sage from Galilee offers a fresh, informed biographical portrait of Jesus in the context of Jewish faith and life in his day.
Read more about this book here: The Sage from Galilee (<=== Link to Eerdmans).
… What is Jesus’ correct name?
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The Bible, the Talmud and the New Testament
by Elijah Zvi Soloveitchik’ s Commentary to the Gospels
ISBN-13: 978-0812250992
The Bible, the Talmud and the New Testament (<== Link to Amazon)
Rabbi Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik on Yeshua of Nazareth and what it “supposedly” said about him in the Talmud. More proof that the Talmud talks about two Yeshua’s, one being the Messiah, one not. And more proof that Yeshua the Messiah permanently taught «Oral Torah».
Read more about this book here: The Bible, the Talmud and the New Testament (<=== Link to
… The disentanglement of the two Yeshuas
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The Source New Testament by Ann Nyland
The SourceNT (<== Link to GoodReads)
(Copied from Goodreads:) The Source New Testament with Extensive Notes on Greek Word Meaning contains abundant and detailed documentation for the meaning of hundreds of Greek words which appear in the New Testament. The Source is the only N.T. translation based on word meaning evidence from the recently discovered papyri and inscriptions. For centuries, translators had to guess the meaning of hundreds of N.T. words. After 1976, huge numbers of papyri and inscriptions were discovered containing these N.T. words in everyday documentation thus revealing their meaning. The Source is the only New Testament translation by a Classical Greek scholar (rather than theologian) and not financed or translated by a committee of a specific denomination.
Comment from the author of “This is probably THE most accurate translation of the New Testament ever, since it relies upon the most recent and accurate recognition of what the Greek words used in the NT actually meant at the time of its writing. Virtually ALL Bible translations simply perpetuate faulty and biased translations of the Greek and ignore decades of work by scholars which indicate those translations incorrectly render words. Please consider this NT translation. At the very least it should accompany whatever Bible translation you possess.”
Read more about this book here: Goodreads.

… Mt.25:46 in a new (and correct) light:
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Yeshua, the Patrilineal Son of David
by Shmuel Playfair
ISBN 9798699319954
Yeshua, the Patrilineal Son of David (<== Link to Amazon)
Contrary to the original Jewish teaching regarding Yeshua’s patrilineal line, most Christians today claim that “Jesus” was the literal, biological son of God rather than the metaphorical spiritual faithfully obedient son of God. Moreover, they claim that “Jesus” was Joseph’s adopted son rather than the literal patrilineal son of Joseph, who was a biological descendant of David. However, since HaShem promised King David that He would raise up David’s seed after him who will issue from his male loins, it is clear that the later-virgin born “Jesus” could not possibly be the one foretold. [cf. 2 Shmuel 7.11-17; 1 Kings 8.19; Ps. 89.3-4] An alleged “Messiah” who does not descend from the patrilineal line of David, “according to the flesh” (Romans 1.3-4) would never be considered to be the real Messiah.
Read more about this book here: Yeshua, the Patrilineal Son of David (<=== Link to Goodreads).

… Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies:
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Repentance, Sacrifice, and Redemption
by Shmuel Playfair
ISBN 9798846448865
Repentance, Sacrifice, and Redemption (<== Link to Amazon)
This book serves as a resource for those who seek to correctly understand what the Jewish Scriptures teach regarding Sin, Sacrifice, and Redemption (Salvation).
Blood was required as a graphic expression of repentance for atonement only in the context of the animal sacrifices offered at the Tabernacle or Temple. Poor people could also offer flour offerings that contained no blood. Furthermore, there is nothing in the Jewish scriptures to support the idea that good works of repentance “could not obtain atonement.” On the contrary, we read, “By loving-kindness (בְּחֶ֣סֶד b’Hesed) and true faithfulness (וֶ֭אֱמֶתv’emeth) iniquity is atoned for (יְכֻפַּ֣ר y’Hupar), and by the fear of HaShem one avoids evil.” [Proverbs 16.6]
In Mark 10.43-45, we read, “…whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be a slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for the benefit of many.” In other words, the way for people to participate in Yeshua’s “ransom for the benefit of many” is to repent of their sins and sacrificially replace their self-centered lives with loving faithfully obedient service for God and others, just as Yeshua demonstrated through his life and death. As Paul exhorts his readers, “I encourage you, therefore, brothers, through the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable (worship) service.” [Rom. 12.1] In this regard, we read in Psalm 44.23, “Because for Your sake we (the righteous of Israel) are killed all day long [i.e., always giving up our selfish lives to do HaShem’s will]; we are considered as sheep (prepared) for slaughter [as sacrifices for God’s glory].” .
Read more about this book here: Repentance, Sacrifice, and Redemption (<=== Link to Goodreads).

… Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies:
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They Loved the Torah
“They Loved the Torah: What Yeshua’s First Followers Really Thought about the Law”
by David Friedman
ISBN-10: 1880226944 / ISBN-13: 978-1880226940
They Loved the Torah (<== Link to Amazon)
Even though many Jews believe that Paul taught against the Law, this book disproves that notion. Most Christians are disconnected from the Torah; reading this book will reconnect them.
Did Yeshua observe the Law? Did Paul teach his congregations to abandon the Torah? Was the devout Jew, Peter, persuaded that the Commandments were cancelled? The answers you’ll find in this book may surprise you! Even though many Jews believe that Paul taught against the Law, this book disproves that notion. Most Christians are disconnected from the Torah; reading this book will reconnect them. Dr. Friedman makes an excellent case for his premise that all the first followers of Messiah were not only Torah-observant, but also desired to spread their love for God’s entire Word to the Gentiles to whom they preached. Part 1 Yeshua and the Torah Part 2 Yeshua’s Talmidim and the Torah Part 3 Reactions to the Torah Observance of Yeshua and His Followers Part 4 Torah Observance: Legalism or Love? David Friedman, former academic dean of King of Kings College in Jerusalem, holds a Ph.D. in Judaic studies and an M.A. in Arabic.
Read more about this book here: They Loved the Torah (<=== Link to GoodReads).

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The Chronological Gospels
” The Chronological Gospels – The Acceptable Year of The Lord. The Life & Seventy Weeks Ministry of The Messiah”
by Michael Rood
ISBN-13: 978-0-9895281-0-8
The Chronological Gospels (<== Link to Amazon)
The Chronological Gospels Bible reorganizes Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Acts and The Revelation in chronological order. You can see what the Messiah was doing each day of his ministry. You can follow along the timeline of his sermons, his miracles and the last days, hours and moments before his crucifixion. The Chronological Gospels also explains the religious debates and issues at the forefront during the Messiah’s ministry and really reveals why he was so hated by those that wanted to kill him.
Read more about this book here: The Chronological Gospels (<=== Link to GoodReads).
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The Teacher and the Preacher: A Dialogue
by Moshe Avraham Kempinski
ISBN 9659107706
The Teacher and the Preacher (<== Link to goodreads)

This book is written with the belief that lack of listening leads to ignorance and ignorance leads to hatred. In order to begin building a bridge between two communities of faith one must begin to listen to and understand difference
Read more about this book here: The Teacher and the Preacher (<=== Link to GoodReads).

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The New Testament – The Hebrew Behind The Greek
by Paul Herring
The New Testament - The Hebrew Behind The Greek (<== Link to Amazon)
At the very heart of the message of the New Testament is a Hebraic approach to the Almighty and His Good News. This approach is so vastly different from the Greek (and modern, Western) mindset, that without some basic appreciation of this foundational truth and perspective, the New Testament can be so totally misunderstood and misused as to render it’s central message null and void.
This book looks at the question of the original language of the NT and what impact this has on the message contained therein
Author’s Website: Circumcised Heart.

… Sample Extract (from .pdf E-Book):
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The Hebrew Yeshua vs The Greek Jesus
by Nehemia Gordon
jpg (<== Link to Nehemia’s Wall)
See also video on YouTube The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus – (Video description:) An astonishing realization has recently gripped the Christian world: “Jesus Christ” was not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Gentile. Yeshua of Nazareth was raised in an observant Jewish family in a culture where the Torah (five books of Moses) was the National Constitution.
Author’s Website: Nehemia’s Wall.

One of the topics covered in this book:
Hebrew Matthew 23:2-3
Matthew 23:2-3

Correct translation:

Hebrew Matthew by Shem Tov: הַסּוֹפְרִים וְהַפְּרוּשִׁים יֹשְׁבִים עַל־​כִּסֵּא משֶׁה׃ לָכֵן כֹּל אֲשֶׁר־​ יֹאמַרלָכֶם שִׁמְרוּ וַעֲשׂוֹּ רַק הִשָׁמְרוּ מֵעֲשׂוֹת כְמַעֲשֵׂיהֶם כִּי אֹמְרִים הֵם וְאֵינָם עֹשִׂים

(The Parisees and sages sit upon the seat of Moses. Therefore, all that he [Moses] says to you, diligently do, but according to their [the Pharisees] reforms (Takkanot) and their precedents (Ma’asim) do not do, because they talk but they do not do.)

Incorrect translations in all (!) our bible versions (doesn’t matter in which language):

  • Delitzsch New Testament: הַסּוֹפְרִים וְהַפְּרוּשִׁים יֹשְׁבִים עַל־​כִּסֵּא משֶׁה׃ לָכֵן כֹּל אֲשֶׁר־​ יֹאמְרוּלָכֶם שִׁמְרוּ וַעֲשׂוֹּ רַק הִשָׁמְרוּ מֵעֲשׂוֹת כְמַעֲשֵׂיהֶם כִּי אֹמְרִים הֵם וְאֵינָם עֹשִׂים</
  • KJV: … Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they [the Pharisees] bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their [the Pharisees’] works: for they say, and do not.</
  • SLT: … und sprach: Die Schriftgelehrten und Pharisäer haben sich auf Moses Stuhl gesetzt. Alles nun, was sie [die Pharisäer] euch sagen, dass ihr halten sollt, das haltet und tut; aber nach ihren [der Pharisäer] Werken tut nicht, denn sie sagen es wohl, tun es aber nicht.
  • PDT: Los maestros de la ley y los fariseos tienen la autoridad de explicar la ley de Moisés. 3 Así que hagan caso de todo lo que ellos les dicen, pero no sigan su ejemplo porque ellos no hacen lo que ellos mismos dicen.
  • etc. etc. etc.

The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus – (2:02:54)

Watch video on YouTube: click here (opens a new window)

P.S. The owner of this page beside “The Seat of Moses” at Chorazin, Israel, April 2015:
Moses' Seat

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Doctrinal Pitfalls of Hellenism
by Paul Herring
Doctrinal Pitfalls of Hellenism (<== Link to Amazon)
Each study in this series tackles a ‘Christian’ doctrine that has arisen after the great chasm of the late first century, which saw the Hellenistic church separate from it’s Hebraic brethren and began to introduce a Hellenistic perspective on the text of the New Testament.
Author’s Website: Circumcised Heart.

… Sample Extract (from .pdf E-Book):
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Defending The Apostle Paul – Weighing The Evidence
by Paul Herring
Defending The Apostle Paul - Weighing The Evidence (<== Link to Amazon)
There are a great range of views of the Apostle Paul. Just as an example, a book ‘Four Views on the Apostle Paul’ has just been released in which four notable biblical scholars argue for four significantly different takes on who and what Paul was…
Author’s Website: Circumcised Heart.
See also: Biblical Theology & Luke 4:43.
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Analyzing The Gospels
by Xus Casal
.jpg (<== Link to
A superb analysis of the NT Gospels, proving that Yeshua (Jesus) was a Torah observant Jew and not the founder of Christianity. The document clearly shows how Yeshua preached Talmud and Oral Torah.
Author’s Website:
The .pdf document can be downloaded from here (click “PDF LINK: Analyzing-the-Gospels”).
BTW: What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
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Are we really doing Church “By the Book”? Frank Viola & George Barna
Are we really doing Church “By the Book”?
Why does the pastor preach a sermon at every service?
Why do church services seem so similar week after week?
Why does the congregation sit passively in pews?
This book gives many answers to the pagan origins of Christianity, exploring the Roots of our Church Practices
jpg (<== Link to Pagan Christianity)
This book reveals a great many Christian-pagan traditions and it encourages to do church again as it was practiced in the 1st Century AD!
Order the book here: or at Amazon.
An introduction can be downloaded as a .pdf (Adobe) file from the Internet.

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Jesus was not a Trinitarian (Jesus war kein Trinitarier)
by Anthony Buzzard
Jesus was not a Trinitarian (<== Link to Amazon)
A Call to Return to the Creed of Jesus.
The book can be downloaded as free PDF in different languages from the website.
Das Buch “Jesus war kein Trinitarier” kann auf der selben Seite auch auf Deutsch als .pdf Datei oder direkt von hier heruntergeladen werden
Read more about this book here: Focus on the Kingdom.
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El Ha-Iv’rim – The Kohein From Yehudah – an “old” translation of the Letter to the Hebrews
(Eine Übersetzung des Hebräerbriefes, völlig neu aufbereitet).
by Uriel ben-Mordechai
ISBN ——- (can be downloaded as a .pdf Acrobat file for little money)
.JPG (<== Link to NTCF)
Link to the website may not be working. The author died and the website is not maintained.
The Letter to Hebrews in a completely new and refreshing light! A Must-Read for Christians seeking the full truth!
Der Brief an die Hebräer aus völlig neuer und erfrischender Sicht! Ein Muss-gelesen-werden für Christen, die die volle Wahrheit suchen!
(The following text has been copied from the document’s Preface with the permission of Uriel Ben Mordechai, Aug.2014:) Quote. The Greek text behind the KJV was based on about half-a-dozen Greek manuscripts, compiled and published by Erasmus from Rotterdam, […..] in 1516 CE, which later became known as the “Textus Receptus” [TR] (Latin for the “Received Text”). It should be noted that there were a number of occurrences where gaps existed in the Greek that produced the TR. Erasmus solved the dilemma by back-translating the Latin Vulgate into Greek, in order to fill in those gaps. What else should a translator do, when faced with missing concepts and theologies that might or might not have been penned 1,470 years previously? Nevertheless, his work became the “tried and proven” Textus Receptus, that today, whenever translated into English [note Thomas M.: or German, French, Italian, Spanish or any other language], leaves Jews with a message they are ashamed to call their own. Supporters and proponents of the TR will tell you, “Not to worry. When Erasmus back-translated Latin Vulgate texts, to fill in the gaps of Byzantine manuscripts, no major doctrine of the Christian faith was put into doubt.” But herein lies the rub. All of the changes and back-translations introduced into the final rendering of these later Greek manuscripts, which themselves had also been changed, manipulated and edited over the intervening centuries, may not have disturbed any members of the clergy or “put into doubt” any major doctrine of the Christian faith. Unquote.
Read more and order the .pdf file here:
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El Ha-Galatim – an “old” translation of the Letter to the Galatians
(Eine Übersetzung des Galaterbriefs, völlig neu aufbereitet).
by Uriel ben-Mordechai
ISBN ——- (can be downloaded as a .pdf Acrobat file for very little money)

(<== Link to NTCF)
Link to the website may not be working. The author died and the website is not maintained.
The Letter to Galatians – 100% Torah compliant! – in a completely new and refreshing light! A Must-Read for Christians seeking the full truth!
Der Brief an die Galater – 100% Torahkonform! – aus völlig neuer und erfrischender Sicht! Ein Muss-gelesen-werden für Christen, die die Wahrheit suchen!
Read more and order the .pdf file here:
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“Kosher Paul” – an “old” translation of the Letter to the Romans
(Eine Übersetzung des Römerbriefes, völlig neu aufbereitet).
by Uriel ben-Mordechai
ISBN ——- (can be downloaded as a .pdf Acrobat file for little money)
.JPG (<== Link to NTCF)
Link to the website may not be working. The author died and the website is not maintained.
The Letter to Romans – 100% Torah compliant! – in a completely new and refreshing light! A Must-Read for Christians seeking the full truth!
Der Brief an die Römer – 100% Torahkonform! – aus völlig neuer und erfrischender Sicht! Ein Muss-gelesen-werden für Christen, die die Wahrheit suchen!
Read more and order the .pdf file here:
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Gottes wiederentdeckter Schatz des Königreichs, Vol.1
von Alan Barham

Übersetzt aus dem englischen Original “God’s rediscovered Kingdom Treasure, Vol.1” (siehe auf dieser Seite).

Die Wiederentdeckung des Schatzes findet statt.
Das Christentum ist nicht, was Sie denken.
Wie Rom den ursprünglichen Glauben des NT korrumpierte.
Der Beweis, dass das Christentum lehrt, man solle dem Messias nicht folgen.
Warum sind die meisten Christen Christen?
Die Lösung.


Diese Deutsche Version ist nicht im Handel, auch nicht auf Amazon, erhältlich.

Sie ist ausschliesslich als .pdf Acrobat Datei * verfügbar und kann kostenlos von dieser Website heruntergeladen werden, und zwar hier (in Absprache mit dem Buchautor!).
* Neueste Version: Version 2.00, 13.Jan.2025

… Auszug:

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Die Mischna
Das grundlegende enzyklopädische Regelwerk rabbinischer Tradition
(von Dietrich Correns)
ISBN 9 783865 390165
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Die Mischna – die schriftliche Mündliche Thora Thalia.
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Der Weg der Frommen
(von Rabbi Mosche Chajim Luzzatto – eine Auswahl, übersetzt von Walter Homolka)
ISBN 978-3-7306-0499-1
.jpg (<=== Link to Amazon)
The Path of the Just (siehe oben) auf Deutsch Syntropia.
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Die Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Gottes
Die Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Gottes – Die selbst zugefügte Wunde der Christenheit
(von Anthony F. Buzzard und Charles F. Hunting)
Die Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Gottes (<=== Link to

Diese Deutsche Version ist leider nicht mehr im Handel, auch nicht auf Amazon, erhältlich.

Sie kann aber als .pdf Acrobat Datei kostenlos von der Website heruntergeladen werden, und zwar hier.

(In diesem Buch geht es in keiner Weise um die Torah, ob sie für Christen Gültigkeit habe oder nicht, sondern lediglich um das Thema der Trinität. Bezüglich Trinität ein “Muss-Gelesen-Werden”!)
Ein wahrer Augen-/Seelen-/Herzenöffner für all diejenigen, die nach aufrichtigen Antworten suchen und Gott als auch Jesus in der Bibel besser verstehen möchten. Es zeigt anhand von “unzähligen” Bibelstellen, wie vieles wir in den Kirchen falsch gelehrt wurden und auch heute noch falsch gelehrt werden.

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Die Dreieinigkeitslehre und ihre geistigen Wurzeln
Die Dreieinigkeitslehre und ihre geistigen Wurzeln -Beiträge zur Diskussion aus jüdisch messianischer Sicht
(von Lehrdienst LaMakor, Daniel Seidenberg u.a.m.)

Die Dreieinigkeitslehre und ihre geistigen Wurzeln (<== Link to [Web Archive **] Chai)
[** Die Website existiert leider nicht mehr]


Die Dokumentation kann kostenlos als .pdf Datei heruntergeladen werden, und zwar hier: Chai Web Archive.
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Jeschua, der patrilinerare Sohn Davids
von Shmuel Playfair

Übersetzt aus dem englischen Original “Yeshua, the Patrilineal Son of David” (siehe auf dieser Seite).

Im Gegensatz zur ursprünglichen jüdischen Lehre über die väterliche Abstammungslinie Jeschuas behaupten die meisten Christen heute, dass „Jesus“ der leibliche, biologische Sohn Gottes war und nicht der metaphorische, spirituelle, treue und gehorsame Sohn Gottes. Außerdem behaupten sie, dass „Jesus“ Josephs Adoptivsohn war und nicht der leibliche Sohn in der väterlichen Linie von Joseph, der ein biologischer Nachkomme Davids war. Da HaSchem jedoch König David versprochen hat, dass er Davids Nachkommen, der aus seinen männlichen Lenden hervorgehen wird, auferwecken wird, ist klar, dass der später von einer Jungfrau geborene „Jesus“ unmöglich derjenige sein konnte, der vorhergesagt wurde. [vgl. 2. Samuel 7,11-17; 1. Könige 8,19; Ps. 89,3-4] Ein angeblicher „Messias“, der nicht von der väterlichen Linie Davids abstammt, „nach dem Fleisch“ (Römer 1,3-4), würde niemals als der wahre Messias angesehen werden.

Das Buch ist nicht im Handel, auch nicht auf Amazon, erhältlich.

Es ist ausschliesslich als .pdf Acrobat Datei verfügbar und kann kostenlos von dieser Website heruntergeladen werden, und zwar hier (in Absprache mit dem Buchautor!).

… Die Leviratsehe:

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Heidnisches ChristentumFrank Viola & George Barna
Ein MUSS für jeden, der manchmal auf der Kirchenbank einnickt oder sich fragt, warum man in der Kirche dieses und jenes macht, ohne es jemals zu hinterfragen.
Heidnisches Christentum (<== Link to Amazon)
Das Untersuchen der Wurzelen des heidnischen Christentums
Dieses Buch ermutigt die Kirche, zu der Praxis der Gemeinde im 1.Jhdt.n.Chr. zurückzukehren!
Mehr über dieses Buch hier: Bü (<=== Link nach

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Chumasch Schma Kolenu Rabb. Samson Raphael Hirsch
Chumasch (<== Link to Morascha)
(Kopiert von Morascha:) (c) Der ideale Begleiter beim Gebet am Schabbat. Mit neuer deutscher Übersetzung nach Rabbiner S.R. Hirsch, neuem hebräischen Satz mit allen Lesehilfen, welche eine korrekte Aussprache ermöglichen. Ganz im Stil der neuen Gebetbuchreihe “Schma Kolenu”. Mit allen Haftarot nach Mendel Hirsch und den 5 Megillot, Einleitung und Kommentar zu jeder Parscha von Marc Breuer, dem Urenkel von Rabbiner S.R. Hirsch
Mehr über dieses Buch hier: Morascha Verlag (<=== Link zu Morascha Verlag).

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Chumasch Raschi (deutsch), mit Anmerkungen von Rabbiner Silbermann
Chumasch Raschi
(Kopiert von Morascha:) 5 Bände Heräisch-Deutsch. In diesem Werk findet man erstmals für den deutschen Sprachraum neben dem Text des Pentateuch Hebräisch und Deutsch auch den Kommentar … (siehe Website für mehr)
Mehr über diese Bücher hier: Morascha Verlag (<=== Link zu Morascha Verlag).
… Beispiel eines Raschi Kommentars::
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Siddur Schma Kolenu (deutsch), mit Übersetzung von Raw. J. Scheuer
Siddur (<== Link to Morascha)
(Kopert von Morascha:) Übersetzt von Raw Joseph Scheuer, neues, klar geordnetes übersetztes Gebetbuch in moderner hebräischer Schrift, moderne grafische Gestaltung. Das tägliche Gebet wird so zu einem Erlebnis.
Mehr über dieses Buch hier: Morascha Verlag.

… Siddur: Schma Jisrael:
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Erzähl es Deinen Kindern- Die Torah in 5 Bänden
Prof. Bruno Landthaler & Hanna Liss
Erzähl es deinen Kindern (<== Link to Amazon)
Band 1 – Bereschit – Am Anfang.
Band 2 – Schemot-Namen.
Band 3 – Wayikra- Er rief.
Band 4 – Bamidbar – In der Wüste.
Band 5 – Devarim – Worte.
Die 5 Bücher Mose aus Jüdischer Sicht, nicht nur für Kinder, sondern ebenfalls geeignet für Erwachsene, die die Torah auf einfache Art und Weise aus nicht-christlicher (und dadurch unverfälschter) Sicht kennen lernen wollen.
Mehr über diese Bücher hier: Ariella Verlag (<=== Link zum Ariella Verlag).
… Beispiel: Die Geburt Moses:

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A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East – The Israeli Solution
by Caroline B. Glick
ISBN 978-0-385-34806-5
A book, not only recommended to John Kerry, Barack Hussein Obama, the US and the EU government, but simply to everybody, who still thinks a Two-State Plan is the solution. This book convinces everybody that the only solution for peace in the Middle East is a One-State solution.
Read more here:
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Tags:·  Anthony Buzzard, ·  ·   Artscroll, ·  ·   Caroline B. Glick, ·  ·   Charles Hunting, ·  ·   Chumash, ·  ·   Chut Ham’Shulash, ·  ·   Counsel of IKEA, ·  ·   Daniel Seidenberg, ·  ·   Deity of Jesus, ·  ·   Die Lehre der Dreieinigkeit Gottes, ·  ·   If? The End of a Messianic Lie, ·  ·   Kenes Artzi, ·  ·   Keynes Artzi, ·  ·   Keynes Ikea, ·  ·   Keynes IKEA Jerusalem, ·  ·   LaMakor, ·  ·   Lehrdienst LaMakor, ·  ·   Letter to Hebrews, ·  ·   Messianic Jews, ·  ·   Messianic Jews are Christians, ·  ·   Messianische Juden, ·  ·   Nehemia Gordon, ·  ·   NTCF, ·  ·   Onkelos, ·  ·   Rabbi Gavriel Zaloshinsky, ·  ·   RaMChaL, ·  ·   Shem Tov, ·  ·   Siddur Schma Kolenu, ·  ·   Stone Edition, ·  ·   The Doctrine of the Trinity, ·  ·   The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, ·  ·   The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus, ·  ·   The Israeli Solution, ·  ·   The Ways of the Tzaddikim, ·  ·   Uri ben-Mordechai, ·  ·   Way of God, ·   Moses’ Seat

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